Ren'Py 6.99.14 "A funny thing happened."

was released on January 14, 2018. The main downloads of Ren'Py 6.99.14 are:

You only need to download one of these files. Each contains the full Ren'Py software development kit, with everything needed to develop Ren'Py games for the Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms; the Ren'Py tutorial; and "The Question", an example game.

Ren'Py is free to download and use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It may be modified and distributed under the terms of its license.

Additional Downloads. When necessary, the Ren'Py SDK will automatically download additional packages, such as text editors and Android/iOS support. These packages are available for direct download at the bottom of this page.


So, remember how 6.99.13 was supposed to be the last release before Ren'Py 7? Well, a funny thing happened - after a very productive month or two, we have Ren'Py 6.99.14 with many improvements.

As an important note, the first time you open a game in 6.99.14, it will open much slower as Ren'Py compiles all the Python expressions it encounters. The game will open faster the second and later times it is run, and will run faster once it is open.

Some of the improvements are:

  • The performance of Ren'Py has been improved in multiple ways, and the apparent responsiveness has been improved even more.
  • A new multiple character dialogue system makes it possible for multiple characters to display dialogue on the screen at once.
  • A new GUI preference system works with the new GUI to make it easier to create preferences that customize the look of the Ren'Py GUI.
  • A new tooltip system makes it easier to write tooltips.
  • Ren'Py now supports TLS on multiple platforms, making it possible to use HTTPS to connect to servers to transfer game data.

This release also fixes issues with movie playback and android apps displaying a black screen, along with other improvements mentioned in the changelog.

Ren'Py 6.99.14 is brought to you by:

  • Eliza Velasquez
  • Maissara Moustafa
  • Morgan Willcock
  • Rastagong
  • Ria-kon
  • Nyaatrap
  • Vollschauer

and myself, Tom "PyTom" Rothamel.

Downloads of Ren'Py 6.99.14 can be found at:

A full list of changes to Ren'Py can be found at:

A list of changes that may require you to update your game can be found at:

Please also check out the credits and list of sponsors.

Editor Downloads

When first asked to edit a file, the Ren'Py launcher will prompt you to download and install an editor. As this may fail if your Internet connection is unreliable, the editors can be downloaded separately. To install, extract the contents of the editor archive to the Ren'Py directory.

Editra (Windows):
Editra (Mac):
Editra (Linux): renpy-6.99.14-editra-linux.tar.bz2

Android and iOS Support

When building Android packages, iOS packages, or web distributions, Ren'Py will prompt you to download RAPT (Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool), Renios (Ren'Py iOS Support), or Renpyweb (Web Platform Support). As these downloads may fail if your Internet connection is unreliable, these packages can be downloaded separately. To install, extract the contents of the archive to the Ren'Py directory. (Place the "rapt", "renios", or "web" directory into the "renpy-6.99.14" directory.)

Android Support (RAPT):
iOS Support (Renios):

Additional Downloads

Raspberry Pi Support: renpy-6.99.14-raspi.tar.bz2
Contains files required to allow Ren'Py to run on the Raspberry Pi. This should be untarred in the Ren'Py sdk directory.
Ren'Py Source Code: renpy-6.99.14-source.tar.bz2
Contains the source code of the Ren'Py distribution without any binary components.
Pygame_SDL2 Source Code: pygame_sdl2-2.1.0-for-renpy-6.99.14.tar.gz
Contains the source code for the version of pygame_sdl2 required to run this version of Ren'Py. This may be newer than any released version of pygame_sdl2.
Other Dependencies:
Ren'Py contains free software licensed under a number of licenses, including the GNU Lesser General Public License. A full list of software and links to git repositories from which the software can be downloaded is linked above.
Checksums: checksums.txt
Checksums for the various files making up the Ren'Py distribution.

We also maintain a complete list of releases.